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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Is this crazy or what?

Sometimes I have the feeling I’m an alien who has been stranded on an alien planet. The alien planet is called Earth, which is populated by people that call themselves humans. And they are all crazy.

A psychiatrist or psychologist would probably say I’m antisocial and out of touch with reality. Of course, all these so-called experts are just part of the natives who call Earth home and as I said before, all Earth people are crazy. What does it make them? You are correct: Crazy. So I wouldn’t put much stock into their opinion.

I’m not antisocial. I love people and I seek their company, even if they are crazy aliens. Out of touch with reality? Me? You must be kidding, but I let you be the judge.

So why do I think people are crazy? How can I not? Just watching the news every night confirms my belief.

I watched about 10 minutes of the American Music Awards. There was a band with a female singer. She acted like she was on drugs. Her movements were so erratic, not smooth at all, like a puppet on a string. I won’t even mention her singing. To me it was nothing but noise, like all modern music. I have no idea where this new music is going. It seems to get crazier with every year and people like it. Even our canary doesn’t like it and he is a songbird. If anyone knows music it’s a songbird. The cameras zoomed in on a few women in the audience. They were singing along and even imitating the singer in her movements. What can I say? Just more proof to reinforce my theory.

Here is more craziness. Take the town of Ferguson. Anyone following the case of the white cop who shot a colored young man cannot ignore this. Yesterday the jury acquitted the cop of any wrongdoings and the crowd of people who waited outside the police station went wild, because the people were not happy with the verdict. They continued with their rioting, set cars and buildings on fire and even looted businesses. Is that not crazy? Why burn cars and buildings? Why loot businesses that had absolutely nothing to do with that case?

The general public doesn’t know what exactly went down that day when the young man was fatally shot. The media only showed pictures of him when he was a young boy and painted him a saint. Meanwhile, he wasn’t that young cute boy anymore; neither was he an innocent choir boy. Apparently, he had a history. He robbed a store shortly before he was shot. When the altercation with the cop took place, he punched the cop in the face and went for his gun. The cop spent time in the hospital. None of that was shown in the news the general public watched.

They also showed a preacher in his church—preaching some kind of sermon. He surely acted like a person who needed help. He shouted so loud his voice was breaking. I thought those kinds of preachers existed only in the movies. I guess I was wrong.

A few years ago, in Winnipeg, they closed Portage and Main to celebrate the win of one of our teams. I don’t remember if it was the Jets or the Blue Bombers. It is not important. What did the fans do during that celebration? They went wild, ripped out traffic signs and did all kinds of damage. I can't understand that kind of behavior. I don't go crazy and destroy property when I'm happy or sad.

Remember the Olympics in Vancouver also a few years ago? Thousands of ‘Fans’ smashed store windows, demolished cars, and looted businesses. Similar stuff happened one year in Toronto during demonstrations. It happens every year in some city across the globe.

Is that normal behavior? If it is then my theory is correct. They’re all crazy. I think, Earth was once chosen as an insane asylum and all the crazy ones from other planets throughout the galaxy were sent here. England did that with Australia, except they sent criminals there.

Perhaps the criminals of the galaxy were sent here also. I never thought of that. How else can you explain all the insane crimes that are happening every day? Not one day goes by when we don’t hear about another shooting or stabbing? And that is only in Winnipeg. What about the rest of the world? One could go crazy just knowing about them. By the way, the lawyers for the murderers they defend admit their clients were crazy. I rest my case.

Of course, one of the things on people’s minds is the threat in the Middle East. I’m talking about Isis. Here we have the real crazy psychopaths--a perfect example of the insanity rampant on this planet. How about those idiots that strap bombs around their bodies and blow themselves up? Those fanatics actually live under the delusion only their way is the right way and by killing all the infidels they will get a special place in heaven with 72 virgins waiting for them. I have news for them. They’ll be surprised when they end up in Hell with 72 demons ripping them apart for the rest of eternity.

All those wars in the history of mankind! It doesn’t matter how far back we go, there was always some kind of war. The Spartans, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Romans, the Mongols, Napoleon, the religious wars, England and Ireland, the civil war in America, WWI and WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, the conflict in the Middle East, just to name the important ones.

What could be more macho and heroic than two men hacking at each other with swords? Looks cool in the movies. It’s even okay when kids do it with wooden swords where nobody gets injured, but sane grown men? There is no doubt that there must be something wrong with their brains. How about men (soldiers) lining up in a row and shooting with their muskets at another row of soldiers on the opposite side? Now that is really crazy and more than stupid, yet they did that. In our modern age soldiers shoot at each other with automatic weapons hiding behind some cover. That is much saner. Or they drop bombs at buildings and moving vehicles. When its all over, the country responsible for dropping those bombs sends money to help with rebuilding the homes that were destroyed. It even sends doctors and other aid to help the surviving but injured people. Wow! That is the utmost of absurdity and stupidity, but what can you expect from crazy people?

The Spaniard, the Portuguese, the French, and the English landed on the shores of what they thought of as a new world, planted their flags and claimed it in the name of their king.

HELLO! This land belonged to somebody. There were already people living on that new world. Who gave them the right to plant their flags? Imagine, somebody coming into your home and telling you they are claiming it as their own. You would surely tell them they are crazy.

Will this insanity ever stop? How can it when everyone is crazy?

Does anyone know how I can get off this planet? When and where will the next interplanetary Spaceship land? My bags are packed.

 Please, let me know before I go crazy.

It may already be too late.

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