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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Reasons to be unhappy and Reasons to be Happy

 10:00 AM: Yesterday I went downtown Winnipeg and I was reminded again why I hate going there. I only go downtown when I have to, like going to the doctor or some other business, like a performance or something like that.

This time I had to visit my eye doctor. I was already annoyed when I got there. The parking lot across from the clinic is mostly used for monthly parking. I can never find a spot in there. The last few times I was lucky to find a parking spot on the street, but it costs $2.00 an hour and the limit is two hours. It takes nearly two hours at the eye doctor’s office, which means it costs me $4.00.

Paying for parking is one of the reasons I don’t care to go downtown. And you have to pay for parking everywhere downtown. There is no free parking anywhere. That’s why I and most people go shopping in the shopping centers on the outskirts of the city.

Today when I got to my doctor’s office location I couldn’t even park on the street where I usually parked, because they were doing roadwork and no parking anywhere. I finally found a spot on another street. I was actually lucky: A car stopped and the woman in the passenger seat handed me a ticket which was good for 1 ¼ hour. So I paid nothing for parking. I hope somebody returns that favor to them.

I don’t want to sound prejudice, but panhandlers, drunks, people who are unemployable and people who are employable but not working, hookers, bums, and other characters on the streets do not inspire confidence to leave a car unattended. When our son got married we spent some time in a hotel downtown. We had all the presents in our car and somebody smashed in the window and stole my wife’s expensive sunglasses and our flash for the camera. They would have gotten away with more had they not been interrupted by a couple of ‘Blue Bomber players’ who happened to walk by. This happened in the middle of the afternoon.

Yesterday, as I came up to a pedestrian crosswalk, one of these inspiring characters pressed the button to activate the flashing light and stepped onto the street without waiting or looking left and right. It was lucky I had been watching him as I came closer to the crosswalk or I could easily have hit him.

I should be happy. It is our #Golden Wedding Anniversary today. I can barely believe that I’ve been married for fifty years. What happened to all those years? We used to go to the City Park and the zoo on our anniversary, but we haven’t done that for a long time. There was always some reason, like babysitting or it was too hot. Today it is supposed to go up to 29 C, which makes it hot. It would be a good time to be at some beach or even do some fishing. But I can’t do that, because I have to cut the grass to make the lawn great-looking for tomorrow. We’ll be celebrating our anniversary tomorrow with the family.

4:30 PM: I just finished my shower after cutting the grass. It is 32 C outside and 32 in our sun-room. I think the only one enjoying the heat is Eddie, our Canary. On days like this I wish I had a robot for cutting my grass. It is murder out there in the heat. I should be watering my garden, but there is a thundershower in the forecast for tonight. I want the rain but not the thunder and the hail it may bring.

My grass used to be lush for a short time, now it is beginning to lose its deep green color. On the septic field it is already brown and not growing as well, only on the outside of the field. If it doesn’t rain tonight I’ll have to put up some sprinklers. Lucky we don’t have to pay for water out here; we have our own well. But our municipality is already planning something and I worry. We’ll be getting a sewage system soon and that will cost mega bucks, but I don’t want that treated water from Winnipeg. Our well water is clean and without any additives like chlorine and other chemicals they put into the Winnipeg water. Besides, we would have to pay for every gallon of water we use. Something we could not afford with our large properties here. We could kiss our green grass goodbye.

I always worry when governments make plans for the Good of the Citizens. It usually is costly and of little benefit to most people. There are always only a few who will fatten their bank accounts while the majority of citizens lose out.

It if rains today if will be fitting, because it rained 50 years ago when we got married. Even though we didn’t have the best weather, our marriage lasted this long and it will last longer. We had our ups and downs, like every married couple. Nothing in life ever runs smoothly, but we were happy (still are!) and we weathered all the things destiny threw at you. We had big plans; not all of them materialized, but we worked hard and got rewarded

 Now we are not young any more, our bodies show their age and they complain about the abuse we put them through. We ache and we tire easily. We fall asleep watching TV, mostly during the News, but life is still good and we enjoy it as much as possible. We are grateful and feel blessed to have had children to raise and care for; we cherish our grandchildren, and we treasure the friendships we formed during our lifetime. We even love and appreciate our relatives ☺; some of them are among our circle of friends.

Life without friends and family would be sad indeed and a waste of space on this planet—a waste of precious years. Friendships take a lifetime to form and develop; they need to be constantly nurtured. Family members need to be treated with love and care like the treasures they are. The best friend a man or woman can ever have is a brother or sister. Nothing can ever match the bond siblings share, but it can easily be broken if it isn’t laced with love.

Love is an important ingredient in every relationship. Without love there is really nothing. Without caring for each other there is nothing. Life is empty and meaningless. I am lucky to have someone to love and care for. I just wish the years wouldn’t fly by so quickly and I wish life wouldn’t be so cruel sometimes. Not everyone gets to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary and I feel blessed and humble to be among the ones who made it.

Peace and Love to everyone who reads this. Stop and take some time out of your busy schedule and take a deep breath. Look around you and enjoy the moment. This moment will never come again.

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