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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Musings about Life, the Universe, and other important stuff

 #The Big Bang Theory. No, I’m not talking about the TV series, I’m thinking of the theory that speculates about how the universe began.

Like the word says—it is only a theory. Nobody knows and I’m quite positive that no human will ever really know. Our minds are just not capable of grasping the whole idea of what the universe actually is, what life is, and how it all began and how it will end—if ever.

Okay, let’s assume the universe we know began with a tiny spark (some scientists say it was compressed matter) that for some reason exploded and sent billions of even tinier sparks into a vacuum which we call space.

Let’s stop right there. Where did that original spark come from? Where was this tiny spark? Did it exist in the vacuum? Is the vacuum nothing? Obviously that spark did not exist in nothing. Nothing can exist in nothing. This spark was something (energy or compressed matter) so the conclusion is it existed in Something. Where did that Something come from?

Religious Scholars will say that original spark was intelligent. They call it God. God created the Heavens and the Earth, according to the Scriptures. Okay, so let’s say that this spark was a Super intelligence, an energy being, that existed in Where? In the vacuum? In nothing? Nothing can exist in Nothing. So we are back to square one; back to the original questions.

Who and what created that place where either God or the Spark existed? Who created the Spark or God?

Some scientists say the universe has no beginning and no end. Sounds good, but it had to begin at one time. According to the bible, and plenty of people believe this to be true, the Earth was created only 6000 years ago. Well—that sounds like a fairy tale to me. Besides, how can something have no beginning? It had to begin at one time. Who or what started it? How can anything be created from nothing? But the same basic question always pops up: Where is everything that exists now and didn’t exist before it was created?

Why am I breaking my head over all of this? I don’t know, but it is interesting to speculate. I’m not the first one to wonder about how it all began, who we are, what our purpose here is (if there actually is a purpose). Curious people have asked those questions ever since man became intelligent enough to reason. Humans will ask them for as long as humanity manages to survive, but we will never find the answers, unless we evolve and become like gods ourselves. Perhaps then we may get a glimpse into the mystery of creation. Good Luck to that, I’m not holding my breath. Humans will destroy themselves and possibly the Earth itself if we keep traveling on the path we are.

A number of people believe that humans did not evolve on Earth but were brought here from other planets thousands of years ago. Perhaps Earth was considered a prison planet or an insane asylum. They brought criminals or insane people to Earth for punishment or just to get rid of them. It does make sense. That would explain why humans are so crazy these days. Crazy and violent. Our history is filled with violence and insanity. It is a good theory and not so far-fetched. The English took criminals to Australia a few hundred years ago. That is no theory but a fact.

I hate to think that my ancient ancestors were either criminals or insane, or both. What does that make me?

I like the idea that there once a long time ago existed an advanced and noble, wise race of beings that ‘seeded’ the planets with life. Perhaps their wise and noble genes are still inside me. However, looking at the way humans behave or have behaved until now makes me wonder if the first theory isn’t the real one. The record isn’t good. Let’s face it, what do we have right now? Religious fanatics who murder innocent people in the name of some god; power-hungry politicians who don’t give a crap about the citizens; petty dictators who pretend to be great statesmen; criminals everywhere you look; drug pushers and pimps; the list of undesirables is practically endless. Nothing noble there. Only insanity.

 Anyway, it gives one food for thought. Something to pass the time when sitting in the dentist chair or in the doctor’s office or waiting in line in the grocery store watching an old lady rummaging through her purse looking for the exact change. Or  watching a guy getting gasoline at the self-serve pump where you can pay with your credit card to speed up things—and then going into the store to pay. Doesn’t that drive you nuts?

What a wonderful world. At least it could be, if it weren’t for the snowstorms in the north and the tornadoes in the south--and the people who live on this planet we call Earth.

Yes, I am pondering all this while listening to the wind howling outside, happy to be inside a warm place and hoping the power doesn’t go out.

Cheers, my friends. I think I'll have another glass of wine. Should I make it white or red?

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