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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

# Of Lords and Criminals

They caught one of the infamous drug dealer kingpins in Mexico. Again. I won’t mention his name. Don’t want to end up on the cartel’s hit list. Anyway, the media calls him a Drug Lord.

What actually is a Drug Lord? Here is my definition:

#Drug Lord: The head of a cartel or other criminal organization. A man who sells illegal drugs. A drug pusher. A criminal. A murderer. A man with no conscience. A dishonest, nasty man. A wrecker of lives. A man who makes his living through bribery and blackmail. A petty thief. The Scum of the Earth. Nothing to be proud of.

#War Lord: (Another cute name): A military commander or Commander in Chief (Oops, does that make the President of the USA a War Lord? I hope not.) Usually the name War Lord is given to a man who controls a group of soldiers; not always a legal group. I would say a War Lord is pretty close to being a criminal, some more than others.

I ask myself why they would call these guys Lords. What is the association of criminals like that with the name Lord? Makes me think all kinds of things; none of them pretty or complimentary. Hmm. It doesn't paint a good picture of anyone who is considered a Lord.

Looking back through history there have been many Lords who could have been or were War Lords. To rule over people the way they did demands ruthlessness. Gives one food for thought, doesn’t it?

Of course, we also call God Lord. Does that mean Lords are like gods? Drug Lords are like gods, but also criminals and...  I don't even want to go any further with this thought.

Why do we put criminals on the pedestal? We call them Criminal Organizations; sounds like some kind of country club. People admire the Hell's Angels and the Mafia. We make movies about the Mafia and criminals like Al Capone. We root for them and hope they get away with their crimes when the cops are after them. We read reports about a Gang War between rival gangs over their Turf to determine which gang will survive The War and control the Drug Trade in a certain city. It almost sounds romantic.

What is wrong with that picture? Come on, these are gangsters, hoodlums, criminals, who should never be glorified.

This whole world we live in is nuts. We have Senators who steal from the public and believe it is their right to do so. We have lawyers who will defend murderers and try every trick in the book to make them go unpunished. They even invent new illnesses like the one that rich kid who killed 4 people with his car suffered from. According to this inventive lawyer, because this guy grew up rich he therefore doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong! Wow! Does that mean every rich person is clueless about what is right? No wonder there is so much crime going on. I’m sure glad I don’t belong to that bunch.

Somebody once said the biggest criminal organizations are the #Governments. If they need more money, they just create a new law, a tax that gives them the right to take the money from honest citizens. A government can do anything, like creating a law that makes making alcohol for instance illegal. Anyone who makes alcohol, or wine and beer is a criminal. Or make a law to force anyone who owns a gun to register it. A gun owner who doesn’t do so is considered a criminal and will be punished with jail time and/or a hefty fine. (It happened).

I believe it is a crime when a government that was elected to represent the people collects money from hard working citizens and, instead of putting that money back into the economy, squanders it by giving it to foreign countries or organizations that don’t appreciate it and think it is their god-given right to receive that money. They’ll never repay it or ever give anything in return, except maybe send a few terrorists to show their appreciation for the kindness they received.

Such is the world we live in. The lines between what is right and what is wrong; what is good and what is evil;  what is acceptable and what isn’t are at best blurry and change constantly.

I’m certain there is a basic law in the universe, a guideline that we must follow. We all have that knowledge inside us; it is in our #DNA, but most of us ignore it. Perhaps some of us humans are born #Good and some are born #Evil to keep the balance, because things must balance in order to create stability. That’s why some people are drawn to the Light and some search the Dark. I prefer the Light.

Which do you prefer?

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