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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

#More Morons

My wife says I’m using the word ‘stupid’ too much these days, so I’ve changed it to ‘moronic’. The #Morons are everywhere. Yesterday we went shopping in a shopping mall. My wife wanted to go into a clothing store. There is nothing more boring for a man than going into a woman’s clothing store. Since I was tired anyway from all the walking, I said, “I’m going to sit down and wait for you.”

There was a comfortable chair right in front of the store, so that’s were I decided to park my tired body. I barely sat down, when somebody said, “I was heading for that chair.” Looking up, I saw a young woman standing in front of me. I told her, “So was I. I guess I was faster than you.”

“I’ve been on my feet all day. I’m tired,” she whined, giving me a defiant look.

“So am I, because I’ve been on my feet all day, also,” I said.

At this moment I thought she might just start breaking into the tears. So I got up. “You go ahead and take the seat,” I said. “I’ll find another one.”

I didn’t say anything else. I could have said, “Look at my hair, girl. It is white, because I’m probably more than three times your age. My back and my joints are aching from my arthritis and my legs are tired because I don’t have the stamina of a young person anymore. In my youth we were taught to respect our elders. What do they teach you in School or at home these days?”

I got up because I’m a gentleman. I was taught to have respect for older people and to give up my seat for a woman. This one was barely out of her teens, but she was a woman, nevertheless. As a man I respected her. As an older person I didn’t.

It is sad to see our youth grow up this way. No respect for anything, be it older people, the law, other people’s property, or anything else.


So what did we shop for anyway? Dishes. My wife wants new dishes for the kitchen, for every day use. I never realized how difficult it is to find suitable dishes. Who the hell designs the dishes these days? My problem is I just hate most of the soup plates. I still love the old-fashioned, European designs, the plates with a rim. What you find in most dishes are bowls. They are fine if I want to feed my dog or cat. Figuratively speaking. We don’t have neither a cat nor a dog. We have a Canary. A bird.

Now, I’m reluctant to say, “I have a bird.” When you translate that into German ‘Ich habe einen Vogel’, it might mean something totally different. It could mean: I am a little bit crazy.

I may just arrive at that stage if we don’t find dishes that we both like soon. Aside from the soup plates, some have no mugs but small cups, barely large enough for a little sip. Or the plates have undesirable colors. Who wants to have black, brown, purple, or yellow dishes? Not me. I want to see my food on the plate. Then we have the square or triangle plates. Who in their right mind designed those?

Like anything in this life, people have different tastes. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact, it makes life diverse and not boring. However, I am happy with certain ‘boring’ colors and shapes. My motto has always been: Just because everybody likes it, doesn’t mean I have to. Maybe I have a little ‘bird’ inside my head and maybe I should evict it and embrace new views and opinions, open up to new things.

How can I look at a girl, wearing ripped jeans, her beautiful body disfigured with tattoos, rings through her lips and nose and eye brows, a stud piercing her tongue, and say, “She looks gorgeous,” when I think “What a moron. Those tattoos will never come off. She is scarred for life. She talks with a lisp, and she can’t afford to buy new jeans?”  That is a difficult thing to do. (I know this has nothing to do with buying new dishes, but I needed to slip it in here. It is one of my pet-peeves.)

Tomorrow we’ll be doing our weekly shopping for groceries. What will I find to criticize? I hope it will be a pleasant day. I need a pleasant day.

Today wasn’t bad. The sun shone all day, but it is still cold out there. Another two days and March will arrive. The way it looks, March will come in like a Lamb, which means it will go out like a Lion. We’ll see.

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