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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A big piece of Crap

Sometimes when I think I’ve heard it all, somebody makes another idiotic statement.
Yesterday in the morning news on the radio I heard somebody (I don’t know if it was a politician or some other super brain) said something to this effect (not exact words):
“While #ISIS or ISIL is a real threat the danger is somewhat exaggerated. A number of Canadians have gone and joined ISIS to fight alongside their fighters. Some of them will be killed, but some will want to return to Canada. We should welcome them back, because they won’t have any ill intentions.”

WHAT?! No ill intentions? Welcome them with open arms after they turned their backs on Canada to fight in this insane jihad against the Western World? They threw away all that is good and descent; they threw away the freedom to say and do what they want, and they threw away a prosperous future and a good life so they could fight for a misguided theology that shows no tolerance for others of a different faith.

Now I’ve never heard anyone say a bigger piece of crap for a long time. The moment those people left this country, they lost all their privileges, which means free health care, a pension, a good job and all the other perks you get when you live in a free country. They also lost their passport if they were Canadians, and they lost the right to ever return here. They became criminals in the eyes of our laws. They chose a different path and that’s the one they have to follow now. Too bad if they suddenly don’t like it. Like my dad used to say, “You made your bed now lie in it.”

All these bleeding hearts and so-called do-gooders walk through life with rose-colored glasses. They don’t see reality. Some day they may wake up and wonder what happened when all those wonderful, good people they saved turn against them.

We had a little sad episode on our property. For the last couple of days a beautiful pigeon came visiting our bird feeder. It seemed to like it here and hung around most of the day, sitting in the grass and soaking up the sun under the feeder and pecking for food. Happy and content.

Life is cruel, even among the animals. Yesterday morning the pigeon was attacked by the hawk that roams around in this area. I watched helplessly through the window as the big hawk hacked at the pigeon with its powerful, sharp beak. When I banged on the window the hawk took off. The pigeon found refuge in one corner by our house. I went outside to check on it and it sort of sat there breathing hard. There was quite a bit of blood on the rocks and a large amount of feathers on the grass.

When I checked in the evening, the bird was still alive so I covered it with a piece of burlap to keep it warm during the night.

This morning, the pigeon was dead. I picked up the dead carcass and examined it. There was no way it could have survived that attack. Part of its chest and belly was ripped open and gone. Eaten by the hawk. I was surprised it lived as long as it did. So I buried it by my garden. Let the worms have but not the hawk.

Okay, life is like that. Hawks are predators and they eat meat, which means they have to kill other animals and I can’t even be mad at it.

Animals kill for food while humans kill for ideologies, greed and power. There is a vast difference. Sure, humans also kill for food. I am a hunter and I do, but I don’t kill any animals just for the fun of killing them or because I hate them. Most people eat meat, but they don’t have to go out and hunt for it. They buy it in the grocery store. It’s probably best that way. It spares them to watch the life leave a living being’s eyes, even if it is only a little bird or a deer. It is always sad. Aborigine hunters take a moment after they kill an animal and they say thanks to the animal’s soul for giving up its life so they can live.

It’s a cruel universe we live in. There is no such thing as peace anywhere. Living things die to make room for others. That’s just the way it is, but as humans we can make it a little more peaceful by accepting each other the way we are, no matter what color of skin and no matter what our faith. There is no such thing as only one true faith. We all worship the same god; a god who has many names.

Like the hippies used to say: Make Love not War. How true it is.

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