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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The World is going Crazy

I don't know about the way our world is developing. Is it just me or are people actually crazy? This morning I saw something on TV (only briefly. I don't watch TV in the morning!) that bugged me. They showed people dressing up their dogs for Halloween. One dog wore a batman costume and the other one something else. To me that is pretty sick. I think it borders on animal cruelty. Dogs are not people! They don't get dressed up, for crying out loud. Now I suppose you should give them Halloween treats also if they show up in front of your door on #Halloween? What's next? A cat dressed up as Catwoman?

Come on! Give me a break. This is just nuts.

I cringe when I see guys with earrings and ponytails, especially old men. They look ridiculous half-bald and wearing a ponytail and a diamond stud in their wrinkly ears. Do they ever look in the mirror and if they do what do they think they see? And those huge plugs in people's earlobes! I saw a young man on the beach one time with his plugs removed. Wow! Those flopping donuts on his ears were surely ugly. How is this guy going to look when he gets old? What about advancement on his job? Who wants to look at a CEO with those floppy ears? What kind of respect will he get from his coworkers or customers? Things like that belong into the jungle but not into a civilized world.

And what's with all those tattoos these days? Why do people ruin their skin for the rest of their lives? I've seen some pretty ugly designs. I don't object to a butterfly or some other beautiful picture on a woman's shoulder, belly, or buttock, but why tattoo half your face with black paint? Or why have a devil's face or some other weird motif on your leg? I don't get it. Why are girls and women wearing torn jeans? I've thrown better looking jeans into the garbage. I'm sure glad that fashion with those sloppy pants with the crotch down to the knees seems to have come and gone. How could anyone walk in them, especially climb stairs?

There are other things that bug me and that I can't agree with. I do not believe gay people should get married. Oh yes, I am old-fashioned that way and not influenced by propaganda from the lobbyists. Marriage is an institution that should be reserved for a man and a woman, the way it was intended to be. I have no problem if gay people live together, but not as 'husband and wife'. Come on, a man, gay or not, is still a male and can't be called 'wife'. Wife is for a female. Same goes for lesbians. You can't call another woman 'husband'. That is ridiculous. And I can't agree with gay people adopting children. Sorry. They will grow up in an environment that is not normal and I don't care what we are made to believe by the media like movies, TV-shows, magazines and newspapers. Just because certain interest groups say everything is okay doesn't make it so.

And this whole thing about gender. Some men want to be women and some women want to be men. No cross-dressing helps here. If you have a penis you are a man and if you have a vagina you are a woman. How much simpler can it be? Of course, you can always have an operation, but biologically you are still the gender you were born with. That can never be changed.

Don't get me wrong. I am not bashing homosexuals here. They are born that way and are still people with feelings and rights, like everyone else. They are not different from so-called 'normal' people and they should be treated as such. I will never discriminate against them. We are all human beings. I don't have any gay people in my circle of friends and acquaintances, but there seem to be a lot of them around. Maybe it is because society as a whole is more tolerant that way and they are coming 'out of the closet'. I'm talking about the Western, more civilized world, not those backwards countries that want to drag people back into the dark ages that were rife with ignorance and intolerance. There exist still plenty of those countries on Earth. Perhaps it is also Nature's way to curb the birthrate and stop humanity from overpopulating this planet, which is a serious problem. Eventually, there won't be enough food to feed all those billions of hungry mouths and not enough room to deal with the garbage. As long as some women still have ten and more children poverty and hunger will stay with us.

Am I such a dinosaur? I believe I'm pretty open to new ideas and the advancement of the human race, but not everything some people come up with helps us to make this a better world. I admit, many old-fashioned ideas need to be changed and we have to learn to accept each other, no matter what we believe or think, even if some of us wear outlandish clothes ☺.

However, we should no be pushed into accepting everything some weird person dreams up without questioning it or even disagreeing with. That's what  a free democratic society is all about and that's why I have a right to voice my opinion. It may not be what the majority believes at the moment and that's okay. I just don't like some of the stuff that is happening. As I've always said and I stick with that: Just because everyone does it doesn't make it right.

My wife and I would never wear something like this, but, hey, what the heck! It works for this couple. I'm open.

It may not be politically correct what I wrote here, but I don't really give a crap. That's another thing minority interest groups are trying to push on us. I don't comply. I admit, I'm not politically correct and I make no excuses.

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