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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

#Time oh time, where have you gone?

It’s been a busy week so far and it is only Thursday.
Monday I went to get one yard of soil for our flowerbeds and for filling low spots near the house. I don’t know where that soil goes. Does it travel to the other side of the Earth? I wonder if they have soil popping up in China.

We managed to spread most of the soil in the afternoon. It is backbreaking work. I had to shovel it off the truck into a trailer, which I then pulled with the lawn tractor to where we wanted the soil. Then we had to dump it and spread it. One yard is a truck-box full of soil. We planned to finish on Tuesday, but they forecast rain, so I spread fertilizer onto the lawn instead. We bought a different fertilizer this year at Wal-Mart (Schultz 27-0-3). Usually, we buy fertilizer at Costco (Scotts 30-0-3), but this stuff at Wal-Mart was cheaper and you never know when Costco puts theirs on sale. So I was lucky to have the fertilizer on hand.

I read the instructions later and it says to put it on the grass 12 to 24 hours before it rains, otherwise you have to water it in. Fortunately, the weather people were right and it did rain. In fact, I just managed to finish with my application when it started to drizzle. It took me about 1 ½ hour to do the job. The grass looks good and so do the dandelions. Now I have to spray for weeds. It never stops.

I don’t know if I will buy this product again, because the fertilizer we buy at Costco does not need watering in or rain within 12 hours. As long as it eventually rains. It does not burn the grass.

Anyway, Tuesday afternoon I bottled a batch of red wine (Malbec), which I had sitting in the carboy waiting to be bottled. It is the first time I made Malbec and I found it to be quite a heavy wine. I bottled this batch a few weeks ago and discovered there was still a lot of residue even after filtering. So I opened all the bottles (27) and filtered the wine again. It was better this time but still quite full-bodied. It was a good day to bottle, because it rained outside. Wednesday morning I bottled another batch (Merlot) and in the afternoon I made a Carrot/Ginger soup. Hot and spicy and super-healthy. This morning it still rained, so I filtered a batch of white wine (Piesporter). I will have to bottle this batch next week and there is still a carboy filled with Summer-wine waiting to be cleared and filtered and then bottled. And they say retired people have nothing but time. I don’t.

There is one thing I can’t figure out. I used to do all these things when I was still working. What happened? Were the days longer? Does the time go faster now? It is one of those Mysteries of the Universe. Unfortunately, the government doesn’t give a crap; there is no money for studies like that; people who work don’t care, and retired people have no time to waste on research like that. So the mystery will go unsolved, I’m afraid.

The all-knowing weather people forecast frost for tonight here in our area. It will snow further up north. Right now it is only 6 Celsius. We've gone from the hottest day last week (35.5 C on Thursday) to probably the coldest day of the month. I have my pepper plants in the sun-room. We have heaters running to keep it warm. A little bit of sunshine would be appreciated. Even our canary, Eddie, is not happy.

So, stay warm and dry, stay healthy and drink lots of liquids.

Remember, you can’t buy happiness, but you can buy alcohol and that is almost the same.

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