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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


I was going to post something funny again today, but today I'm not in a funny mood. Another terrorist attack in Brussels with over 30 dead and over 100 injured. More might die. Is it ever going to stop? What the hell is wrong with these Muslim terrorists? And let's not play around with words and try to be politically correct. These terrorists are Muslims, even though Muslims are claiming their religion is peaceful. I see no evidence of that.

Of course, we can't put them all in one pot. I'm sure there are a lot of Muslims who want to live in peace, but their religion as it stands does not allow that. How can they if they are taught that all infidels have to be killed? Infidel means anyone who does not believe in Allah. That does not sound peaceful to me. Nor does it sound tolerant.

To live in peace we need to be tolerant of each other, no matter what we believe or not believe. We need to be tolerant of others. We need to show compassion for each other, but that is difficult to do if the others want to kill us. Then we need to defend ourselves.

Jesus said if somebody slaps you on the cheek to offer him the other cheek. Well, I am a Christian, but if somebody slaps me on my cheek I will hit back. To let myself be hit again would be stupid.

What I'm saying is that we can't pussyfoot any longer and try to be politically correct and nice. Our illustrious Prime Minister in his incredible wisdom wants to reinstate the Canadian Citizenship to the criminals who lost it. There is one terrorist in jail, I don't remember his name, who is about to be released. And Mr. Trudeau wants to give him back his citizenship. According to him 'A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian'.

It's been a long time since I heard such bullshit. For me a 'Terrorist is a Terrorist is a Terrorist'. He has no place in my country.

This is what I would do if I were in a position of power: Anyone convicted of #terrorism will be sent to jail for a long time with no chance of parole; his immediate family and all his relations will be shipped back to where they came from---innocent or not. If they are Canadians they will be stripped of their citizenship, especially if they have a Dual Citizenship. All of their possessions will be confiscated. They should have prevented the terrorist from ever becoming one by teaching him or her that they have been given a chance to live in peace in our country. To live in peace and in freedom for the rest of their lives. They forfeited that privilege when they allowed one of their own to become a terrorist.

By the way, the lawyers that defended these terrorists should also be made to accompany them on their way back home, even if they are not Muslims.

Sounds radical? Yes, it is radical, but the time to be nice is over. If we don't take a stand now it may soon be late. I can only hope that all the Do-Gooders will be the ones to suffer first.

I mentioned #Dual Citizenship. There should be no such thing. Either you are a Canadian or you are not. If you can't make up your mind then go back to your old country. And for the sake of all of us and the future of our children STOP BRINGING MORE REFUGEES INTO CANADA!

I am curious to see, along with many other people who are concerned, what is going to happen in Brussels, or in the rest of Belgium. The Muslims have a stronghold in that country and if no steps are taken it will end up to be a Muslim State. That will not be a very good thing for Europe and the rest of the world.

Sorry about all this ranting and negative mood, but sometimes we have to pull our heads out of the sand and open our eyes and look at the world around us. What we see is not always pretty. Today the world has become a little bit uglier. Perhaps tomorrow the sun will shine again and we will see the beauty that still exists somewhere.

Easter is coming. The catkins on the pussy willows are almost ready to be picked.

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