Ten children! That’s how many some of the single women applying for acceptance to Canada
have. It came as a big surprise to the people who are screening the applicants.
They expected three or four children. How ignorant! It proves they never did
any research.
What are these people who breed like that? #Rabbits?
Where are all the men who got these women pregnant? Are they
dead or are they with another one of their wives making more children?
Are the #Liberals under #Justin Trudeau, our new Prime-mister, really considering
bringing these women with all their children to Canada? Have they actually done
some research and sat down to look at what they are going to cost the taxpayer
of this country?
The women will definitely be on welfare. On top of that they
will get a mountain of money for child support. The kids will have to go to
School, Kindergarten, and possibly Daycare centers. Some Schools are
considering making classes smaller so the teachers can pay more attention to
the individual children. This influx of children that don’t speak English will
demand more Schools, more Daycare centers, more teachers, more specialty
teachers. And an enormous amount of
money! Money Canada
doesn’t have. We have plenty of unwed mothers with children on welfare already.
We don’t need more.
Where will they put all these large families? They will want
larger quarters, more breathing space, larger houses, larger suites. Has anyone
given these things any thought? I’ll bet not. The Liberals are so hung-ho to
bring the refugees over here so Canada
looks good in the world community and to fulfill the election promises they
made that they are not thinking logically.
Like our Premier of Manitoba, Sellinger, said: “Just bring
them here. We will deal with them when they get here.” [Sic]. Wow! I call that
good planning. There are no houses or apartments available, no subsidized ones,
anyway. We have to build them first—with taxpayers’ money. That will take time.
Where will they put the families now once they are here?
What happens when the families with husbands come here? Will
they make more children? Let’s face it, they get good money for every kid they
have. That is tempting. If they get enough money they won’t even have to look
for a job. Our government will pay them to stay home and make more kids.
I have more questions: Why is it that only families who
can’t afford to feed their children have so many? And it is happening mostly in
underdeveloped countries. Africa is a good
example. I heard one woman on TV say that in her country a woman doesn’t have
any respect unless she has at least TEN
children. Like I said: Rabbits!
We can’t bring people with such an attitude into our
country. The world is already overpopulated and so many people are starving. We
don’t need any more births!
I know I sound like some kind of Redneck and racist, but I’m
thinking logical, I look ahead; I worry about the future of my country, about
the kind of country my grandchildren will inherit. All this talk about being
tolerant and lending a helping hand to everybody in need in other countries is
going to bite us in the butt some day. We are bringing people over here who
hate our way of life, our religion, our traditions. They will want to change
that and once they have a greater voice, they will, even if they are in the
minority. That’s how we are. We are Canadians and we want to make it right for
everyone, even if it means screwing the hard-working Canadians; even if it
means the end of our way of life.
I worry.
I am aware that there will be those who read this who will
not agree with me and brand me a racist, a troublemaker. I sincerely hope I am
wrong with my predictions and I want nothing more than to say some day in the
future: “I was wrong. I panicked and said things that I shouldn’t have and I’m
sorry about that.” But I’m not holding my breath.
Sleep well. There may be coming a time when you won’t be
able to. Enjoy free speech now while you still can say and write what you
want—to a degree.
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