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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Let is snow...let it snow...

It is 4:20 PM or if you are on Military time 16:20 as I write this. It is miserable outside with a temperature of 0.8 C and plenty of humidity. We have a couple of barometers in the house and both of them have plunged so far I haven’t seen it like that for quite some time. I think the last time I saw the needle so far down was when we had a bad storm in the summer. Something is brewing out there. One of the barometers is antique and adjusted for European conditions, but I don’t want to screw around with it, because it works quite well. The needle is hovering on: Storm.

The weather people forecasted our first major snowstorm of this winter starting tonight with the brunt coming tomorrow. Nice going, peoples. They may just be right this time, even though I trust my barometers much more. I have to go to the doctor for my yearly check-up and my flu shot. My shovel and snowbrush are already in the car and my snow blower is tuned up.

My wife and I slept quite soundly last night. Why is that such great news? Well, our new fridge finally came yesterday and we had the old one picked up and taken away. It broke down four weeks ago. Actually, it still worked, but the compressor sounded like a jet plane ready to lift off with a constant droning sound. It drove us nuts, but we needed it to keep our food cool.

The old fridge was about 15 years old. According to what the salesman told us it was ancient. Fridges these days, he told us, are supposed to last no longer than 10 years. What kind of BS is that? Another case of the manufacturers screwing the buying public! Nothing is built to last anymore. I remember when people used to retire their old fridge into the basement or take it to the cottage where it still worked for many years. When we had our cottage, we bought an old fridge to take out there. That thing was ancient. The only thing I replaced was the thermostat and the heating coil for the defrosting. The compressors never broke down. So why is that so common now?

No wonder the garbage dumps are filling up with used appliances if people have to replace them every ten years.

No wonder people can’t save money these days. They spent their money on gadgets, like large screen TVs, computers, Cellular phones and other electronic stuff. You buy it and it is already outdated as soon as you leave the store. That’s how fast we progress. It is tough to keep up with everything, especially when you are of the older generation.

Our service provider Shaw is updating their equipment again by going digital in our area. Now we need a digital box for one of our TVs. We have a PVR for our main TV. We use the second TV only seldom, maybe to watch the weather or some other quick program. We are already paying way too much for the TV service. Now we may be hit with more cost.
It was much simpler and cheaper when we had rabbit ears and got only a few channels—for free. The sad thing is, we still watch only the basic channels, but now we pay a fortune for that. Okay, we have the internet, but I still say it is too expensive. Unfortunately, we have no choice and they know it.

I went fishing for the last time on Monday but didn’t catch anything, so I hung up my fishing rods until next year. The long winter is on its way, starting tonight, and we will hibernate, having our adventures watching TV (might as well take advantage of the money we pay for that!), and I hopefully find time to write my stories. My next book won’t be published until around October next year. A long time to wait.

Our new Prime minister is still riding his wave of Euphoria, in Europe right now, and running around like a man after twenty cups of coffee, signing autographs, having pictures taken, like a movie star, but he’ll come down eventually when reality hits and he finds out that the money needed to fulfill all his election promises isn’t there. Even after those horrible attacks in France he’s still determined to bring 25,000 refugees into Canada. Now I heard most of them are single women with children. That is even worse new. It will mean more people on welfare, more child support to be paid, more schools and childcare places needed. And more risk of the children growing up in poverty and later becoming terrorists, because they are not happy in their new country. By the way—where are the husbands of these women? Just curious.

Sorry, couldn’t help become a little political, but this whole thing with the refugees is something I have a bad feeling about.

Until next time after the snow storm.

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