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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

It's for the Birds

They are taking me to the Cleaners. I’m not talking about the government now or the bank that handles our investments. I’m talking about the birds, specifically the Juncos and the other sparrows. I think they like it so much here they will never leave. I have two feeders which I fill every day at least once. A couple of days ago I put new seeds into the feeders in the morning, then at midday, and then again in the evening for the next morning. Every time the feeders were completely empty. I also spread seeds on the ground, because the Juncos love to feed on the ground. This is getting expensive. And the Blackbirds and the Finches aren’t even here yet.

This year we have a pair of crows nesting in our neighbors ash trees, but the crows are spending their day on our lot. They act as if they own the place. They even go into the feeders and eat the sunflower seeds and take out the peanuts I put in for the #Bluejays. I did not know crows ate peanuts.

I believe the reason the crows set up shop near our property is the fact that I fed them the mice I catch in the garden and in our garage. I always put them under the willows along with the old seeds that are still in the feeder when I refill them. Last year, I gave them at least one mouse pretty much every day.

I will not start a war with the crows. They are quite intelligent and, apparently, also quite vindictive when one of theirs gets injured or even killed by a human. I’ve heard and read stories about that. The last thing I need is a group of crows harassing me when I’m working in my garden. Maybe I’ll ask my neighbor to remove the nest. After all, that tree is on his property. That way I’m off the hook as far as the crows are concerned. I’ll still stay the ‘Good Guy’ in their book.

Will summer ever come? Last night it even snowed a little. My peppers are growing in their containers under the fluorescent light in the basement. It is too cold to put them into the sun-room the way I usually do at this time of year. I have 4 cucumber plants I seeded much too early. They are so tall already they are sending out feelers to attach to the fluorescent light. There is over a month to go before I can plant them into the garden. I might have cucumbers before then. I bought these seeds from the High Mowing Seed Company in the US. I only got 10 seeds. I have 6 left which I want to seed directly into the garden, but I thought I’ll get a head-start by seeding 4 into containers. Cucumbers do not transplant well, in my experience, but I have them in large peat-moss pots which I have to just bury completely into the ground. They should survive once I transplant them.

Speaking of the garden, because of the cold and rainy weather I haven’t been able to do anything yet. Last year, also because of the lousy weather, I didn’t get a chance to till under the 30 bags of leaves I collected. The leaves are great for added nutrients and it may be too late to till them into the soil now.

My wife bought me a special weeding tool for my birthday—unexpectedly. So now I’m ready for the garden and ready for the weeds. Let them try to take over my garden now! I am prepared with a new weapon.

Fishing seasons starts May 14 here in Manitoba. I noticed one change in the regulations that will actually affect me. I live near #Lockport and I go there to catch #Sauger and, if I’m lucky, Walleye. I have a spot where I have been lucky. I and a million other anglers who know about this ‘secret’ spot. The Conservation and Water Stewardship people who are making the rules have decided for whatever reason to create a Special Conservation Area for #pelicans and close it to all fishing and possession of fishing gear. My little spot is near that area and possibly part of this area. I haven’t checked it out yet.

Have these people been in Lockport and seen how many pelicans are crowding the place? The other day I saw a flock of more than 60 birds flying over our house. Do these people realize how many fish one pelican consumes in one day? There is also a clause in there about not being allowed to fish near a fish ladder to protect the fish. Well, I have great news. The pelicans won’t respect that part of the regulations. They’ll gobble up any fish that is near that fish ladder. I suspect there is some political reason behind this new regulation and it has nothing to do with the conservation of the pelicans.

And what about the #Status Indians? They are exempt from any regulations, limits, and restrictions and seasons. I guess they’ll be allowed to fish this protected area. Wonderful. Don’t anyone tell me we don’t have a two-tier system in our country. One for the people who have to buy a license and have to follow the rules and one for those who don’t need a license and need not follow any rules. That’s how conservation works in this book. You can't control anything unless everyone follows the rules. How difficult is that to understand?

Have a great weekend.

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