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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Just another day

We live near the city of Selkirk, which means we do our grocery shopping in Selkirk. We have a few stores to choose from. There is Safeway, Co-op (former Gainers), Extra Foods, and Wal-Mart. We barely shop at Safeway or Co-op, because they are too expensive, so we divide our buying between Wal-Mart and Extra Food. Before Wal-Mart we shopped exclusively at Extra Foods, but since Wal-Mart came to Selkirk, we buy our bulk of groceries there. Their prices are reasonable and the quality of vegetables and other items is excellent. We found that Extra-Foods is a bit more expensive than Wal-Mart in certain items.

Last week I was happy to discover that Extra-Foods carry the European type bread. I used to buy it at Super Store in Winnipeg, but they discontinued that particular bread a couple of years ago. So I was excited to find it at Extra-Foods. For how long that will be nobody knows.

I eat only European type bread, to be more specific the German type bread. I’ve never cared for the bread sold in the stores here. It is too soft and has no taste. Same goes for the buns. I like my bread solid. Also, it is much tastier. When we were in Germany last year I was in heaven for three weeks. The bread and the buns! Oh my Gosh! I couldn’t get enough of them. I’m also quite fond of Salami (it is called Bagged Summer Sausage here).

Here is a sample of what I eat for lunch:

Mozzarella cheese, carrots, pickles, and radishes.
Bread (clockwise): ‘Hirtenbrot’ with Sockeye Salmon, Dark Rye bread with Salami, ‘Hirtenbrot’ with slices of barbecued pork loin.  Hmm, delicious.

I had a glass of wine with this plate. Sometimes I drink a can of alcohol-free beer. Yes, I like alcohol-free beer but I won’t say no to one with more alcohol. Not for lunch, though, especially when I drive somewhere. At my age, I can’t afford to lose my license.

Yesterday we got a new Provincial government in Manitoba. The NDP is out. They did enough damage. The Conservative Party got the majority votes by the people who voted. I think many people expected the Liberals to get more votes or even become the new Provincial government. They figured the Provincial Liberals would ride on the coat tails of our Federal Government, but it didn’t happen and I am glad. The Liberals were so disorganized and it would have been the most stupid move to give them the reigns over our Province. They couldn’t even manage their own party. Besides, it is enough to have our Federal Liberal Government screw up this country and plunge it into darkness and deep debt just to please the world and our minority ethnic groups. So now I hope the Conservatives deliver what they promised. Perhaps we can finally ban hunting with spotlights at night; a dangerous practice and one that gives the animals no chance at all. It is time it stops! The NDP had no intentions of doing that. That’s why no hunter voted for them. We’ve had enough.

Last week I bottled a batch of ‘Malbec’ wine. Even after filtering it, it was still quite heavy and after drinking a glass my wife and I had purple teeth and there was residue in the glass. So today I am going to open all the bottles (27 of them) and filter it again. In addition I will add a little bit of water, hoping that will make it more drinkable. It did taste fine, though.

Yesterday I did my taxes. I used U-File on line and it took longer than expected, because they did a few changes again with the program. Apparently, you can use a new way to do the taxes by using ‘Automatic Fill’, which means you go to the site of Revenue Canada who has all your information already on file and they fill everything out for you. It proves again that we are more and more being monitored and controlled by our government, especially Revenue Canada. Big Brother is already here. Next thing you know, we won’t have to fill out any forms at all anymore. The government will just take the money you owe from your bank account. Drain it if necessary. They don’t care. And then they take that money and give it to a foreign country to keep people alive who will thank us by sending us their terrorists.

Anyway, that is all for today. Here is a picture of a Christmas Cactus in bloom.

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