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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

US getting ready to bomb Syria

Well, here we go again! They never learn. The mighty United States of America is getting ready to be judge, jury, and executioner...again. They’ve decided to bomb Syria, even though the rest of the world is advising caution. What actually is the point of bombing Syria? What does Syria have that the US wants? We don’t buy much oil from them. I don’t believe the majority of Americans want this. Does the US government want it? Here my conspiracy theory mind kicks in again. I think that the real powers behind the government, that small clique of power-hungry people, the same ones who have orchestrated wars, assassinations, market-crashes, and who knows what else, have their own agenda. They don’t care about all the innocent people dying in Syria. They don’t give a crap about  how many young men and women die in the so-called service of their country blindly following orders. As long as they stay in power, make money, and are able to pull the strings of the politicians in their pocket, the insanity will never stop. The killings of innocent people will never stop.

Haven’t the Americans learned yet? There was no reason to bomb Iraq and get rid of Saddam Hussein. At least he kept the people under control. They never found any Weapons of Mass destruction, because there were none.  Look at the situation in Iraq now. It’s a mess. Afghanistan is a mess. Nothing has changed there. The thousands of American soldiers, and soldiers from Canada and other countries died for nothing. That is the sad and bitter truth. How awful must the parents of these fallen soldiers feel knowing the death of their sons and daughters didn’t make any difference in the world. The wars go on, the useless, mindless killings go on. Nothing has changed and nothing will change. The power-hungry secret clique of vultures will keep on sending young men and women to die for a lie. They will keep on destroying property and building weapons, ammunition, warplanes, warships, and bombs so they can reap the profits, while the terrorists fight back in their cowardly fashion murdering innocent people in the name of religion or any other reason. One of the reasons being revenge. It is a never-ending cycle.

According to rumours, the Americans had a hand in getting rid of Egypt’s president Hosni Mubarak, only to have him replaced by the Muslim Brotherhood. Much good did that do. Now look at Egypt. On the brink of civil war. Getting rid of the Syrian government and replacing it with the rebels with result in nothing. There’ll be no positive change. It will still be a dictatorship, just run by different people. There can and will never be a democracy there or in any of the countries controlled by Islam, because Islam and democracy do not go together. People who believe in stoning so-called sinners, cutting off limbs for crimes like stealing, and persecuting and murdering people of another faith are not tolerant. And democracy is a system of tolerance. As long as a country is governed by a religious group it will never be a democracy. A democratic government should never be controlled by religion. History has proven that this does not work. Religion works on intimidation, on fear, on obedience, on unproven promises. And people will do anything for the promise of a ‘better life’ after they die. Apparently, stoning someone to death cleanses their soul. What a bunch of crap that is! Unfortunately, that’s what they believe.

When the Americans bombed Iraq, I remember sitting on the couch and watching it unfold on the screen with tears in my eyes. I knew that people were dying at that moment. Rockets and bombs are so impersonal but they do kill.

I was only a little child during WW2, but I’ll never forget the horrors of war. My family spent a month in a covered wagon fleeing from the Russians into Germany. I still remember how scared I was when Russian warplanes flew over our convoy of wagons and dropped bombs. I remember seeing wagons burning on the side of the road. I remember hiding in the ditch when English warplanes flew above. I also remember standing lined up against a wall with English soldiers aiming machineguns at us while they searched the house we stayed in for soldiers who might be hiding in the house. Yes, war is a horrible thing and we haven’t learned. We still play that terrible game in the name of money, power, and religion.

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