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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

It's all about food and taste

Sunday we had dinner at the #Olive Garden on Reenders Drive in Winnipeg. There were 9 of us, 3 children and 6 adults. I’m not that much into #Italian Foods, even though I like pastas. The problem, especially with Olive Garden, is that every dish has either tomato sauce or a white cream sauce. On top of that, they use a lot of cheese in their dishes. I’ve never liked tomato sauces and I have to be careful with cream and cheese sauces, because I am allergic to Dairy products. A little is okay, but I have to watch my intake.

They have a bottomless salad bar, but their dressing is much too sour for me and my wife. We usually order the salad and the dressing on the side.

There wasn’t much on the menu for me. I ordered the garlic chicken breast with garlic mashed potatoes. Even the mashed potatoes were mixed with cheese. I don’t know what it is with all that cheese these days. I love cheese, but not with everything. Same goes for the tomato sauces. You can’t go anywhere without getting tomato sauces. That’s why I like Chinese Food. No tomato sauces there. Same goes for German dishes. I guess, it's my German background.

I remember in my younger years tomato sauces were not used that much. We could buy spaghetti with meatballs or just meat sauce, when the meat sauce was actually made with meat and no tomatoes. I love spaghetti with meatballs, but without the tomato sauce. It has to be meat gravy. My wife always tells me to stop griping, but what can I do? Today we had lunch at the casino and they served cabbage rolls. Nice rice and meat stuffing, but they were not spicy enough and they drowned them with tomato sauce. Too bad. I remember going to the Hungarian Pavilion at Folklorama in Winnipeg where we had cabbage rolls. They were spicy and delicious and without tomato sauce.

Everybody else was happy, though, at the Olive Garden, which was the main thing. What does my opinion count? Not much, I’m afraid. I’m in the minority. Just an old relic left from the 20th century with outdated opinions and tastes. Sigh!!!

Yesterday we got the ham bone, which was left over from our Christmas dinner, out of the freezer and my wife made yellow split peas in her Dutch oven. OMG, I ate so much I couldn’t breathe after. It tasted so good. That’s plain, basic food, but so delicious. I don’t need all that stuff mixed together to make a good meal. Keep it simple; that’s always the best. I don’t want sweet berries and nuts in my salads. Perhaps a few onions, a few pieces of tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, mixed with a mild dressing, that’s enough. NO SWEET STUFF in my salads. No #Jell-O on my lettuce leaves! Please.

We still have the deer heart from the deer I shot in the freezer, which will make another meal do die for, together with dumplings. And then there are the pork hocks. Boiled with sauerkraut, they will be a meal to make a song about (Hey...that even rhymes). How about those Rouladen I sliced from the deer meat? (Meat rolls stuffed with whatever stuffing goes into them.) My wife makes them. I have no idea what she puts into the inside. I just eat them, but they are yummy. Now that’s food. Old-fashioned—yes. Basic—yes. Tasty—yes. And my wife just knows how to make them all. I guess I’m just a lucky guy.

For Valentine’s day, we’ll have a duck with Savoy cabbage. It is tradition in our house. Another scrumptious meal. I can’t wait.

Who needs to go out to eat good food? Perhaps my wife. She has to make it all.

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