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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Some good news

Three of those imbeciles from Canada who joined the terrorist group #ISIL have met Allah--or maybe not. Anyway, they have left the land of the living. Good riddance. One can only hope more of the others who followed their footsteps will meet the same fate.

I feel sorry for their parents--I think. Apparently, they had no idea what their sons were up to. That begs the question: wouldn't there have been some kind of clue when their sons who seemed to have a great future here in Canada, a free country with free speech and other great perks, converted to Islam? I'm also wondering, why they made such a stupid move in the first place, and then joining a group of bloodthirsty extremists? Criminals usually blame their straying off the straight road to a bad childhood. Did these guys have a bad childhood? Is it something their parents did that drove them to become terrorists? Or were they really so weak-minded that they actually believed that nonsense about going to some kind of heaven if they died in battle? A promise like that is the oldest trick in the world and as old as the hills to get men and some women to go out and put their lives on the line for some cause that's not even their own. One would think in this day and age people are smarter than that. I guess I was wrong.

One of the three killed said in one of those recruiting videos that he used to be just like us, playing hockey, going to school and doing whatever young people do in a free country like Canada and the USA. I didn’t quite understand what his message was supposed to be. Did he mean he lived in wonderful country, got an education and had a great future and he gave all that up? Traded in a great life for living in the hot desert, his toilet a hole in the sand with no toilet paper, little water for drinking and for use to stay clean, sleeping at night in a tent with a bunch of unwashed, smelling psychopaths he never met before all for the purpose of shooting and murdering people who were strangers to him and to die for a cause that wasn’t his? It made no sense.

Young people are so impressionable. I read somewhere that the power of reasoning doesn't fully develop until humans are in their early twenties. That would explain why young people do such irrational and illogical things sometimes. Maybe they thought it would be romantic, running around in the desert dressed in weird outfits and waving automatic weapons around. Maybe they thought it was just some kind of a game, like a video game. Young people are obsessed with them and they may have lost the ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

Tonight in the news I saw that the anti-terrorism squads in #Belgium took out a group of terrorists who had planned an attack on a police headquarters in a Belgium city. Apparently, more raids took place in other cities. A few suspected terrorists were taken in custody in Canada, with more arrests to follow. Perhaps there is still hope that good will prevail.

It is difficult for me to imagine that there is so much evil out there, that men are actually plotting to murder innocent people, people they don't even know, people who have done nothing to them. All I want is to live in peace, write my stories, enjoy my home and my garden, plan a holiday, and love my family. Is that so hard to understand? Sometimes it takes work, but that's what life is all about. To be busy, to create things not destroy them. All these religious fanatics claim they are following their god's will. Whatever they are doing is so wrong. God does not destroy, God builds, Gods creates life. Life is holy and must not be taken away willingly and callously. Killing wantonly does not earn eternal life but eternal death.

Wow! I'm beginning to sound like some kind of preacher. I better stop.


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