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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Monday, March 12, 2012

To sue or not to sue

There is a class-action suit going on today in Montreal, Quebec. A bunch of smokers are suing the tobacco companies for making them addicted to cigarettes and for the damage smoking did to their bodies.

Helloo...Anybody with a bit of a brain should know that when you inhale smoke into your lungs that can't be good. People actually die from smoke inhalation. When will people start taking responsibility for their actions? I can't believe some of the things people sue for. Like that woman a few years back who sued MacDonalds when she spilled hot coffee onto her legs. Isn't coffee usually hot? If she is that clumsy she should not drink coffee or anything hot. It always baffles me that the courts don't dismiss these idiotic ideas. They should fine the lawyers for public mischief and throw them out of court with their moronic clients for even wasting the court's time. Obviously, the lawyers make a ton of money on these cases and maybe the judges get a bit of a kickback? (just speculating. I'm not suggesting it. Don't feel like being sued over this remark. One has to be careful!) Perhaps obese people should sue the fast-food places and junk-food producers, the stores who sell these foods, and maybe even the government for not creating laws forbidding the sale of junk-food. Why not sue the farmers who raise chickens and sell the eggs to the stores for making people get cholesterol or breeding pigs, killing them and making greasy bacon? Or perhaps we should sue parents who feed their children food that makes them fat? That makes much more sense to me.

People need to take responsibility for what they do, what they eat and drink. We can't have laws for everything. We cannot ask governments to take us by the hand and show us what is good or not good for us. We have plenty of laws already to control our daily lives. We should know that eating fatty foods and stuffing ourselves, drinking an excess of alcohol, taking drugs, being inactive by watching too much television or sitting in front of the computer for hours (I'm guilty of that I admit) is not healthy. Animals know what and how much they can eat, animals exercise their bodies to stay in shape and use up those calories they consumed. I'm talking about wild animals, not the ones fed the wrong food by their human masters. Animals would not voluntarily inhale smoke. Are we stupider than animals? Sometimes I think that is the case. How to explain somebody getting into an accident while driving too fast for road conditions, using a cell phone while driving, or reading the paper, drinking coffee, checking out a map while behind the wheel, or putting their RV on 'Automatic', and getting up to make a sandwich (That happened! That guy also sued the automotive company. He thought 'automatic' meant 'autopilot'). Yes, they are still among us...maybe not all of them, some fell victim to their own stupidity, or perhaps I should say carelessness or not using their brains, but there is no shortage of them.
I'm not trying to offend anyone by writing this. What I'm trying to say is that we should be responsible for our actions and not blame others for the results our actions bring us or try to get rich from the mistakes we've made. We should be man or woman (I refuse to say 'person') enough to take the blame when things go wrong.

If you want to read more about the law suit, check it out here: http://business.financialpost.com/2012/03/12/big-tobacco-firms-head-to-montreal-court-in-canadas-biggest-ever-civilian-lawsuit/

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