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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

A race against the clock

No it’s not a movie I watched, it’s not a book I read, and it isn’t a book I’m writing. It is my life story. It seems I’m always working with some kind of deadline looming above me.

Yesterday we cleaned our yard. It did want to rain a few times, we got some drops but that was all. Today’s plan was to till my garden. When I looked out this morning, it was cloudy. The weather people forecast some clouds but otherwise a beautiful day. I should have known better. These people know nothing! My barometer is more accurate in forecasting the weather.

After breakfast I went outside. It was cool but perfect temperature for working in the yard or garden. I got my tiller ready. It started with the first pull. Great. Everything was set and it would be a successful day. I transported a couple of bags of Alfalfa pellets (fertilizer) and a bag of claybuster (to loosen up the clay) in the wheelbarrow to the garden. I barely managed to spread the Alfalfa and most of the claybuster when the first not predicted raindrops fell. I say them on the wheelbarrow as they made dark spots on the yellow color.

I didn’t give up and got going with the tilling. My garden is approximately 1000 sqft and I raced through it, tilling under the stuff I had spread. There was still a bag of dry leaves I wanted to also till into the soil, but I didn’t get a change to spread the leaves. I barely managed to finish tilling the garden once, when the rain became more than just drops. But I still persevered. I got a rake and smoothed out the soil, something I usually do as I till by walking beside the tiller instead of behind it. You don’t want foot prints and trenches on the soil while it packs down after the tilling.

Well, I made it with the tilling. I had in mind to already seed some potatoes and onions, but the soil was beginning to get sticky and so I had to give up that notion. Too bad.

I have no idea how and where the weather people get their information about the coming weather, but maybe they should look for a different source and method. Maybe looking out of the window would help. Or getting a weather frog. An old-fashioned barometer also works quite well.

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