Welcome Visitors

Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

#When it rains it pours. Curse that #Murphy.

#Murphy's Law. When things can go wrong they will.

I wanted to write about something positive, but the #universe is screwing up that plan. We finally got our Watersoftener working (At least I hope it is), and a new well pump and pressure tank installed. I haven’t checked my van yet, because I don’t drive it much. Last time I drove it there was a squealing sound coming from the engine or some belt. I still have to find out what caused that noise. No, this is something completely new. Yesterday when we wanted to drive away, I pressed the button to open the overhead garage door, the door opener only made a moaning sound but didn’t open the door. Even pressing the remote didn’t help. The door stayed down. I had to lift it manually. Not that easy. I already had one hernia operation many years ago. I don’t need or want another one.

I called the repair guy. He was at our place last year and replaced the sprocket that drives the chain at the cost of around $150.00. I don’t remember exactly how much. He told me it sounds like the motherboard is fried. A new one will cost $100.00 and the service call another $100.00. Great. He’s coming to fix it Friday.

Will it ever end???

It rained for the last couple of days and we haven’t finished the cleaning of the yard. Today the sun is shining and the weather forecast looks positive for the next few days, except rain is already forecast for Monday and Tuesday. The temperature is supposed to be around 15 C, good for working outside. I still have to rake the lawn and then cut it and collect all the cut grass. I never look forward to that. It is dusty and dirty work, but it needs to be done. We want our grass to grow and look great. I already bought the fertilizer to make it grow better.

Oh, I bought a trap to catch the rabbit that is running around on our property. Last year he or one of his siblings ate my wife’s lilies and rosebushes. So I’m planning to catch the feller (or girl) and take him/her across the river. He won’t find his way back to our place. I did the last year with a small rabbit I caught in my homemade trap. It was too cumbersome to set up, so I bought one.

The rabbit hasn’t been back for a few days now, but there is one pesky little squirrel eating all the sunflowers out of the bird-feeders. So I bought some peanuts and put them into the trap. So far no luck. That squirrel went into the trap twice already, stole some peanuts, but it didn’t spring the trapdoor. I think the squirrel is not heavy enough to push down the plate that closes the door. I’ll have to think of something different. I’m determined to catch this annoying little guy, as cute as it is.

We’ll see what happens. Now I’m going out to change the oil on my garden tractor. Can't waste a good day.

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