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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Is Mother Nature a terrorist?

What crazy weather we're having. Even Mother Nature is terrorizing us. We had already some grass showing, the roof was without snow, but today it is snowing again. We had planned to go out for lunch, but have to cancel that. I'm not going onto the highway if I don't have to. It's probably treacherous driving and there will be plenty of idiots out there who need to prove that they can drive under any conditions. Speed-limits don't apply to them.

I was a bit excited this morning when I saw a junco (a type of sparrow) in my bird feeder. When I checked back to last year's log, I found that I had juncos already middle of March last year. In fact, there was no more snow on our lawn and on March 18 the temperature rose to 27 C. What a difference this year. It  is 0 C right now with a windchill of minus 3 C. Our yard is still covered with plenty of snow and more being added as I write this.

Last year I saw my first robin on March 22. I haven't seen any yet this year, although the other day someone sent a picture to the TV station showing a robin. The sparrows are already preparing their nests in the birdhouse, but if they'll start laying eggs is questionable. I wouldn't if I were a bird, but then again, maybe I would because I'd have only a birdbrain.

Speaking of birdbrains...they captured the younger brother who was involved in the Boston Marathon bombings. He is injured and in the hospital, but he may survive. Now they're debating if he should be treated as an American citizen or a terrorist. There are already lawyers waiting to get involved, warning that any information obtained without reading the suspect his rights will not be admissible in court. Is this a joke? The man has no rights! He is responsible for the deaths of 4 people so far, many still in critical conditions who may also die, people who have lost limbs, over a hundred injured. Their lives have been disrupted and changed forever. The city of Boston changed in many ways, the people held hostage by fear, the monetary cost involved in dealing with that cowardly act, and they are worried about this criminal's rights? As far as I'm concerned he lost those rights when he built the bombs. We are much too lenient with all the criminals; there are just too many bleeding hearts out there, most of them have never been touched by crime. They might just change their minds if they suffer losses through criminals. I wonder why any lawyer even wants to get involved with this man and have his name associated with the horrendous crime he and his brother committed.

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