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Welcome to my personal blog. I have another blog, Herbert's Place, but that one limits me to what I sometimes want to publish, because it is mainly used to promote my books. As it says in the header, I want to use this blog to write about things that have nothing to do with my books. There is no real theme here. I'll be writing about anything that causes me to either be happy or somethings that concerns me. It could be political, travel, a hobby, or anything else. So come and visit me sometimes.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Vandals strike again

Murphy’s Law: When you’re feeling good, don’t worry, it’ll pass.
How true. We were looking forward to spending Easter with our family. The sun was shining and it looked like it was going to be a great Easter Sunday...until we opened our garage door to drive away.

There was an empty 4 l oil can on our driveway. Then I discovered its contents had been spilled all over our driveway. It looked like recycled oil. When I closed the garage door it was splashed with yellow, so was one of our dining room windows.

Déjà vu. The Vandals had struck again. They egged our house.

Last year we had our driveway lights smashed and on Mother’s Day our house was egged. Cleaning dried eggs from bricks is not an easy task and takes forever.

On one of the sites I belong to somebody wrote about spanking children. I added my two cents worth to that and wrote this:

Should you spank your children? This is a complicated and touchy subject. Unfortunately, many people confuse spanking with hitting. Nobody should ever hit a child! I grew up in a time when corporal punishment was okay. My dad spanked me when I did something wrong, with a belt on the butt. He never hit me in anger, never anywhere else but on the butt. You can’t do much damage there, but it hurts. We were punished in School and our parents didn’t scream abuse and sued the teacher or the School. We had respect for our parents, teachers, the police, and especially older people, which is missing in many of today’s youth. Too many have no respect for other people’s property or anything else, not even the law. One of the problems in our society is that punishments for crimes committed are not severe enough. We have too many bleeding hearts out there. And punishment starts at home. Some children need to be spanked (not beaten!! I'll say it again), some need to be talked to, but they need to be punished whenever they do something wrong. Neglecting and not disciplining children is also a form of abuse, because these children grow up thinking they can get away with anything without paying the price. But at the same time children should also be awarded for good behaviour and for their achievements. I have two sons. I never hit them, but I used a belt (very gently! How could I ever hurt my child that I love so much?) on our oldest when he was five. On the butt. And believe me, it hurt me more than him. That was the only time. Both boys remembered that incident. When they misbehaved all I had to do was touch my belt and that stopped them in their tracks. My youngest son gave me the best compliment a father could ever get when he was a teenager. He said, “You know, Dad, I hope I can be just like you when I have children some day. Remember the belt? I was always afraid of it even though you never used it on me.” Both my sons recall that incident fondly and we always have a good laugh. They love and respect me for the way they were raised by me and my wife. They both grew up to be wonderful sons with respect for the law and respect for other people and their property. And that little incident with the belt didn’t hurt their psyche one bit.
Here is an excerpt of what somebody else (a woman) wrote about that:
I actually feel very strongly about the issue of spanking...I actually find Herbert's fond memories of only having " to touch" his belt to scare his kids alarming and deeply disturbing...

That woman was disturbed by my comment. Actually, in a sense I’m not even overly surprised by her reaction, because it cements what I said. Too many bleeding hearts out there who are so worried they might do harm to their children’s psyche by not disciplining them when they should be. People with no children have no idea what they are talking about. Besides, that woman probably never read my whole comment. In no way does it say anywhere that my sons were terrified of me. They had respect for me and, yes...the belt. But they were never scared or terrified. Once they were old enough to realize I would never use the belt on them to hurt them, any fear they may have had disappeared, but the idea of the belt had done its job. They grew up to be men who respected the law, not feared it. They knew they’d be punished if they did something wrong.

It’s the job of parents to teach their children right and wrong. To raise children demands a huge portion of love, and yes, it also means disciplining them when they misbehave. They need to learn how to discipline their minds and their bodies. It should also be taught in Schools. If they don’t learn this when they are young, they will grow into adults who have no respect for people and their property, and the law, and may think they can do anything they feel like without getting punished. The signs are all around us that society seems to have failed so many. Criminals will take no responsibility for their deeds. The latest fad is to plead insanity. They didn’t know what they were doing. “Bullsh.t!” I say. They knew what they were doing; they just didn’t give a crap about the people they hurt. Instead of putting them away for the rest of their lives, murderers may spend a couple of years in an asylum and be released back into society, apparently cured. And Big Surprise when they offend again. I have news for those bleeding hearts: People like that can never be cured, because there is something wrong with their brains and their way of thinking. Perhaps, if their parents and the system would have raised them in a more disciplined environment they may not have turned out that way. Not all but maybe a few.

The young punks who egged our house obviously have no respect for other people’s property. I reported it to the RCMP and they filed it away with all the other incidents that happened this last week. The officer told me that it was Springbreak and children are just trying to have some fun.

Fun! That’s what they call it? In fact when the same thing happened to us last year one woman we talked to said, “Kids will be kids.”

I have one satisfaction. The fingerprints of the punks who did that to us last year are on file in Ottawa. So if they ever apply for a job with the government they’ll be out of luck.

I was a kid once. We were no angels, but we never did stuff like that. And neither did my sons. They knew that it was wrong to damage other people’s property. Sure, they did stupid stuff, all kids do, but they knew their limits.

Wow! Talk about venting! But things like that upset me because I have such a strong feeling of what is wrong and what is right. I fail to understand people who do stuff like that. Why would anyone want to hurt others? Be it their property or their feelings. It makes no sense to me. But then again, I should not be surprised. We live in a violent society. The whole world is going crazy. Just look at what is happening in the Middle East or, lately, in North Korea again.

Insanity rules.

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